Okinawa Karate Navi

Dojo Information

Kōdōkan Arakaki Dōjō

Ryuha (style)
Shorin ryu
Arakaki Toshimitsu
Southern area
 Kōdōkan Arakaki Dōjōメイン画像1

空手アイコンIntroductory plan

Dojo introduction

This is an introduction of the Matsubayashi-ryū Kōdōkan Arakaki Karate Dōjō.
There are two dōjō locations.
The first location is in the former Ozato village (established in 1989).
The second location is in Shikina, Naha City (established in 1997).
It's been about 23 years. I, Arakaki, teach at these dōjō.
Our goal is to foster the healthy development of youth (with courtesy). We promote good health and cultivate a spirit of compassion and positivity for adults.

Facility information

Dojo name Kōdōkan Arakaki Dōjō
Ryuha (style) Shorin ryu
Representative Arakaki Toshimitsu
Address 〒9020078 1114-2 Shikina, Naha City,Okinawa
TEL・FAX TEL:098-883-0739
Open hours Availability: Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays
About 15 people
Essence of traditional karatedō
Supported language Japanese
