Okinawa Karate Navi

Experience reservation

Dojo Information

Uechi-ryū Karatedō Kenyūkai Higa Dōjō

Ryuha (style)
Higa Susumu
Southern area
Uechi-ryū Karatedō Kenyūkai Higa Dōjōメイン画像1
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Uechi-ryū Karatedō Kenyūkai Higa Dōjōメイン画像3
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Uechi-ryū Karatedō Kenyūkai Higa Dōjōサムネイル画像1
Uechi-ryū Karatedō Kenyūkai Higa Dōjōサムネイル画像2
Uechi-ryū Karatedō Kenyūkai Higa Dōjōサムネイル画像3
Uechi-ryū Karatedō Kenyūkai Higa Dōjōサムネイル画像4
Uechi-ryū Karatedō Kenyūkai Higa Dōjōサムネイル画像5
Uechi-ryū Karatedō Kenyūkai Higa Dōjōサムネイル画像6

空手アイコンIntroductory plan


Dojo introduction

The dōjō was established in 2012 as the 7th branch dōjō of the Uechi-ryū Kenyūkai.
Inheriting the spirit of "discovering new by studying old wisdom" and the traditions of Uechi-ryū, we strive to master the essence of kata centered on the kata "Sanchin."
As we look ahead to the future of karate, we also teach children competition kumite.
Currently, 10 adults and 30 children belong to our dōjō.

Facility information

Dojo name Uechi-ryū Karatedō Kenyūkai Higa Dōjō
Ryuha (style) Uechi-ryu
Representative Higa Susumu
Address 〒9000003 617-192 3F Aja, Naha City,Okinawa
TEL・FAX TEL:090-5938-3658
Open hours Training days: Mondays to Fridays from 18:30
Supported language Japanese


Parking 8台
Parking remarks 駐車場は建物から徒歩3分の場所にございます。
